American Football
Departure from the NFL, major league football in the country. Sport that has emerged from a variation of rugby in the country, is practiced in schools, colleges and professional leagues, done in primary schools is the category flag, which contains no tackles in the traditional sport. It is considered the most popular sport in the country, the first college division (NCAA) has assigned contains games nationally, the major professional league, the NFL, has the largest audience and average attendance in sports, the league's championship (Super Bowl) is the most watched event in U.S. television.
A game played in nine innings (innings), where teams defend and attack. Practiced by various countries but with great success in the United States, is to strike the ball as far as possible the bases and go through the four bases. The point is marked by the player and not the ball.
Set in an NBA arena. Considered the most practiced sport in the country, popular especially among the black population, his major league the NBA is the third largest in the country, although it has the most audience abroad.
Ice Hockey
Popular mainly in the north and in Canada, the sport is more popular abroad as a team, has the fourth biggest league in the country, the NHL.
Second most popular foreign sports in the country, is most popular among immigrants and mostly practiced by the male, has recently become one of the most popular in primary schools.
Sports origin of the natives of the country, is played on fields or courts, has greater popularity among the country's Atlantic.
sábado, 21 de maio de 2011
quinta-feira, 19 de maio de 2011
Leonardo da Vinci
Leonardo di Ser Piero da Vinci. Or simply Leonardo da Vinci, Anchiano, April 15, 1452 - Amboise, May 2, 1519, was an Italian polymath, one of the most important High Renaissance, which stood out as a scientist, mathematician, engineer, inventor, anatomist, painter, sculptor, architect, botanist, poet and musician. It is also known as the forerunner of aviation and ballistics. Leonardo has often been described as the archetypal Renaissance man, a man whose insatiable curiosity was matched only by their ingenuity. Is considered one of the greatest painters of all time and as possibly the person endowed with diverse talents to have lived. According to art historian Helen Gardner, the depth and breadth of his interests were unprecedented and mind and personality seem superhuman to us, and the man himself [we think] mysterious and distant. Born as the illegitimate son of a notary, Piero da Vinci and a peasant woman, Caterina, at Vinci in the region of Florence, was educated in the studio of the renowned Florentine painter, Verrocchio. He spent most of his early professional life in the service of Ludovico Sforza (Ludovico il Moro), in Milan, then worked in Rome, Bologna and Venice, and spent his last days in France, a house that was presented by King Francis I.Leonardo was, as today, known chiefly as a painter. Two of his works, the Mona Lisa and The Last Supper, are among the most famous paintings, most reproduced and most parodied of all time , and their fame approached only for the Creation of Adam by Michelangelo. The drawing of the Vitruvian Man by Leonardo, is also regarded as a cultural icon, and was reproduced by all parties, since the euro t up.About fifteen of his paintings have survived to this day, the small number due to their experiences constant - and often disastrous - with new techniques, and his chronic procrastination. Still, these few works, together with his notebooks - which contain drawings, scientific diagrams, and his thoughts on the nature of painting - make a contribution to future generations of artists that can only be rivaled by that of his contemporary, Michelangelo. Leonardo is revered for its technological ingenuity, conceived ideas far ahead of his time, like a helicopter, a tank, the use of solar power, a calculator, the double hull vessels, and a rudimentary theory of plate tectonics. A relatively small number of their designs came to be built during his life (many were not even feasible), but some of his smaller inventions, such as an automatic coil, and a device that tests the endurance to pull a wire, entered without any credit to the industrial world. As a scientist, was responsible for major advancement of knowledge in the fields of anatomy, civil engineering, optics and hydrodynamics.Leonardo da Vinci is considered by many the greatest genius in history due to his multitude of talents in arts and sciences, their ingenuity and creativity, and his polemical works. In a study in 1926 his IQ was estimated at about 180.

Principal obra
Mona Lisa (1503-1507—Louvre) é o retrato que mais tem rendido, em termos de literatura -tem dado origem a contos, romances, poemas e até mesmo óperas- e paródia -desde seu tempo, como a Monna Vanna de Salai- em toda a história da arte. Foi uma obra famosa desde o momento da sua criação; e inspirou muitos, como o jovemRafael, que se embebedou nela. Seu sorriso sutil é visto em sua crueldade e tem sido considerado o implacável sorriso de mulher que escraviza os homens. Outros foram deslumbrados pelo seu encanto, pela sua doçura. Para o crítico Walter Pater, simboliza o "espírito moderno com todos os seus traços patogênicos", considerando como a "beleza extraída desde o interior, trabalhando a carne, célula por célula". Provocado pelo mestre no modelo com o toque do alaúde, como citado por Vasari: "Mona Lisa era muito bela e Leonardo, ao mesmo tempo que a pintava, procurava que tivesse alguém cantando, tocando algum instrumento ou brincando. Desta forma, o modelo foi mantido em um bom humor e não adotava um aspecto triste, cansado [...]".
Pablo Picasso
Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santisima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso, or simply Pablo Picasso (Malaga, October 25, 1881 - Mougins, April 8, 1973) was a painter, sculptor and designerSpanish, having also developed the poetry.It was recognized as one of the masters of twentieth century art. It is considered one of the most famous and versatile artists around the world, having created thousands of jobs, not only paintings but also sculptures and ceramics, using short, all kinds of materials. He is also known as the co-founder of Cubism with Georges Braque.
Chronological biography
1881-25 October. Born in Malaga Pablo Ruiz Picasso, son of Maria Picasso Lopez and Jose Ruiz Blasco.1881-21 November. Baptized at St. James Church in Malaga by Father Jose Fernandez Quintero, celebrated the marriage of their parents.1888 - Influenced by his father, began to draw and paint.1893/1894 - Picasso begins his artistic work under the guidance of his father.1896 - Attends the drawing classes at La Lonja, is highly praised in the examinations for admission to school.1897 - Part of the bohemian group of Barcelona, the first exhibition is held at Els Quatre Gats, the group headquarters, the first reviews of his work is published in La Vanguardia. Jaime befriends Sabartés and other young artists and intellectuals, who introduced the motion in the universe of modern painting (Toulouse-Lautrec, Steinlen, etc.). His picture Ciencia y Caridad (Science and Charity) receives an honorable mention in Madrid. In the fall is admitted to the course in painting at the Royal Academy of San Fernando in Madrid.1898 - Leaves the gym. His picture Costumbres de Aragon (Aragon Habits) receives awards in Madrid and Malaga.1900 - Cartoons were published in his magazine Joventut, Barcelona magazine. Sells three drafts to Berthe Weill.1901 - Founds with Soler in Madrid, the magazine Arte Joven. The first edition was entirely illustrated by him. Makes exhibition of works in pastels at the Salon Parés (Barcelona). Rave reviews are published in Pel y Plomo. Exhibits at the space Vollard in Paris. Positive review is published in La Revue Blanche. Meets Max Jacob and Gustave Coquiot. Start of the blue period. Begins to sign his work simply as "Picasso", before he signed Pablo Ruiz y Picasso.1902 - Exhibits 30 works in the space of Berthe Weill in Paris. Shares a room with Max Jacob on the Boulevard Voltaire.1904 - He settled in Paris. Blue end of the period.1905 - Buy some of his paintings. Beginning of the period rose. Begins to make sculptures and engravings. Garcon a la pipe Pinta and Self-Portrait with Hood, one of his most famous paintings.1906 - Matisse know that along with the Fauves, shocked the audience at the Autumn Salon of last year. Time of transition for sculptures.1907 - Know Braque and Derain. Visit the exhibition of Cezanne in the Salon d'Automne. Cubist phase begins with the picture Les Demoiselles d'Avignon.1908 - Makes the first clearly cubist landscapes. Makes the first exhibition in Germany (Galerie Thannhauser, Munich).1910 - Flowering of Cubism. Makes portraits of Vollard, Uhde, Kahnweiler.1911 - First exhibition in the U.S. (Photo-Secession Gallery, New York). Kahnweiler publishes Saint Matorel, Max Jacob, with illustrations by Picasso.1912 - Makes his first exhibition in London (Stafford Gallery, London). Exhibits in Barcelona (Gallery Dalman). Initiating collages.1913 - Death of the father of Picasso in Barcelona. Start the Synthetic Cubism.1915 - Make pictures with realistic depictions of Vollard and Max Jacob.1917 - goes to Rome with Cocteau to create scenery for the ballet Parade, directed by the group of Diaghilev, the Russian Ballet. Maintaining contact with the world of theater.Meets Stravinsky and Olga Koklova. Visit museums and see ancient art and the Renaissance period in Rome, Naples, Pompeii and Florence. He spent the summer in Barcelona and Madrid.1918 - Marries Olga Koklova.1919 - Go to London and makes drawings for Le Tricorn.1920 - Makes scenarios for Pulcinella by Stravinsky. Classic themes emerge in their work.1921 - Birth of Paul (her 1st child). Makes many drawings of mother and child. Make scenery for the ballet Cuadro Flamenco. Makes the two versions of The Three Musicians and Three Women in the spring, work using different styles.1924 - Makes sets for the ballet Le Mercure; draws the curtain for Le Train Bleu. Begins the series of large still lifes.1925 - Participates in the first exhibition of the Surrealists at Galerie Pierre in Paris.Besides the classic works produced his first works to present a contained violence.1928 - Makes a series of small paintings with vivid colors, with boldly simplified forms. It initiates a new period in his sculptures.1930 - Acquires Castle Boisgeloup, and it assembles his sculpture studio.1931 - They are published Le Chef-d'oeuvre Inconnu de Balzac (Vollard) and Métamorphoses of Ovid (Skira), both illustrated with etchings by Picasso.1932 - Retrospective Exhibition in Paris (Galerie Georges Petit) and Zurich (Kunsthaus). A new model, Marie-Therese Walter, begins to appear in the paintings of Picasso.1934 - Returns to paint bullfighting.1935 - Final Separation of Olga Koklova. Birth of Maia, daughter of Marie-Therese Walter and painter.1936 - Start of Spanish Civil War. Makes traveling exhibition from Spain. Appointed director of the Prado Museum.1937 - Edita etching Sueño y Mentira de Franco (Dream and Lie of Franco) with satirical text of his own. After the air attack on Guernica (April 28) paints a mural for the Spanish Pavilion of the Republic (World's Fair in Paris).1939 - Major retrospective exhibition is made in New York (Museum of Modern Art).Picasso's mother dies in Barcelona. After the outbreak of World War II, returns to Paris.1941 - Write a surrealist play Desire Caught by the Tail. Women's series starts at Armchair.1941 - Paints the famous Dora Maar au chat.1942 - Publication of illustrations in aquatint engravings for the book Histoire Naturelle de Buffon.1945 - Exhibition in London (Victoria and Albert Museum). Back to make lithographs.1946 - Begins the series of paintings that have as their theme the joy of living.1947 - Birth of son Claude. Makes lithographs and start doing pottery factory Madoura.1948 - Exhibition of Ceramics in Masion de la Pensée Française (Paris).1949 - Birth of his daughter Paloma. Exhibits work started from the beginning of the war at the Maison de la Pensée Française. The Dove of Picasso poster is used on the Peace Congress in Paris and becomes a universal symbol.1951 - Exhibits sculptures at the Maison de la Pensée Française. Does retrospective exhibition in Tokyo. Pinta Massacre in Korea.1952 - Paint War and Peace in Vallauris.1953 - Retrospective Exhibition in Lyon, Rome, Milan, São Paulo. Separates from Francoise Gilot.1954 - Paints the series Sylvette. Initiates a series of studies based on The Women of Algiers, Delacroix.1955 - Death of Olga Koklova, his ex-wife. Exhibits at the Musée des Arts Decoratifs and in the Bibliothèque Nationale in Paris and Germany.1956 - Makes series of interior scenes studio.1957 - Retrospective exhibition in New York. Makes series of studies based on Las Meninas by Velazquez.1958 - Paints the mural of the UNESCO building in Paris. Vauvenargues Acquires Castle, near Aix.1959 - Exhibits linoleum.1960 - explores themes of still lifes and interiors of Spanish inspiration.1961 - Makes studies Dejeuner sur l'herbe, Manet. Marries Jacqueline Roque.1962 - Series on "The Rape of the Sabine Women." Receives Lenin Peace Prize1963 - Series on "The Painter and His Model."1964 - Series on "The Painter and his easel."1965 - Publication of Sable Mouvant, Pierre Reverdy with water-paint Picasso.1966 - His 85 years are celebrated with three concurrent exhibitions in Paris.1967 - They are made commemorative exhibitions in London and the United States. He goes back to mythological themes.1968 - The series includes 347 pictures, mostly with erotic themes. After the death of his secretary and confidant James Sabartés, he donates his series on The Girls in the Picasso Museum in Barcelona.1969 - Paints 140 screens that are exposed in the following year at the Palais des Popes in Avignon.1970 - 2000 Doa oil paintings and drawings to the Picasso Museum in Barcelona.1971 - His 90 years are celebrated with exhibition at the Grand Gallery of the Louvre Museum. Becomes the first artist to receive this honor.1972 - He works almost exclusively with black and white in his drawings and engravings.1973 - Dies on April 8 at his villa in Mougins, France. His first posthumous exhibition (May) included works made between 1970 and 1972 and was held in the Palais des Papes in Avignon.
Work and periods
Picasso's work is often classified into periods: Blue (1901-1904), Rosa (1905-1907), African (1908-1909), Analytic Cubism (1909-1912) and Synthetic Cubism (1912-1919).Before 1901His early works are in the Picasso Museum in Barcelona. Major works of the period:The First Communion (1896), a large structure that shows his sister, Lola.Portrait of Aunt PepaBlue PeriodConsists of work in dark shades of blue and bluish green, occasionally using other colors. Drew prostitutes and beggars and their influence came from travels in Spain and the suicide of his friend Carlos Casagemas. He painted several portraits of his friend, culminating with a darkly allegorical painting La Vie. The same tone is in the etching The Frugal Repast, which shows a blind woman and a shrewd, both emaciated, seated next to an empty table. Blindness is a recurrent theme in the period and is also in The Blindman's Meal and the portrait of Celestina. Other recurring themes are artists, acrobats and harlequins. The harlequin became a personal symbol for Picasso.Rose PeriodThe Rose Period (1905-1907) is characterized by a more happy with the colors pink and orange, and again with many harlequins. Many of the paintings are influenced by Fernande Olivier, his model and his love at the time.African PeriodThe African Period Picasso (1907-1909) began with two figures in his African-inspired framework Les Demoiselles d'Avignon. Ideas of this period led to the later Cubism.Analytical CubismIt is a style of painting (1909-1912), which Picasso developed with Braque using monochrome brown colors. They took objects and analyzed in their ways. The paintings of Picasso and Braque were very similar in this period.Synthetic CubismIt is a further development (1912-1919) Cubism in which fragments of paper (wallpaper or newspapers) were pasted into compositions, marking the first use of collage in fine arts.Classicism and surrealismIn the period following the chaos of World War I, Picasso produced work in a neoclassical style. This "return to order" is evident in several European artists in the '20s, including Derain, Giorgio de Chirico, and artists of the New Objectivity Movement.The Picasso paintings and texts from this period often cite the work of Ingres.During the '30s, the minotaur replaced the harlequin he used as motivation in their work.Your use of the minotaur came partly from his contact with the surrealists, who often used it as a symbol, and appeared in Guernica.Possibly the most important work from Picasso's vision of the German bombardment of Guernica, Spain - Guernica. This painting represents for many the brutality and hopelessness of war. Guernica was on display at the Museum of Modern Art in New York for several years. In 1981, Guernica returned to Spain and was displayed on Casón del Buen Retiro. In 1992 the painting was on display at the Reina Sofia Museum in Madrid when it opened.
Some works of artist
Self-Portrait, 1899Absinthe (Girl in the cafe), 1901La mort de Casagemas (The Death of Casagemas), 1901Evocation of enterrement Casagemas) Evocation - The funeral of Casagemas, 1901Mère et enfant - La Maternity - Mère l'enfant tenant (Motherhood), 1901Guitariste aveugle Vieux (Old blind guitarist), 1903Des pauvres au bord de la mer (Les Miserables on the sea), 1903La Vie (Life), 1903Woman ironing, 1904
Portrait of Suzanne Bloch, 1904The actor, 1905Self-Portrait with Hood, 1905Garcon a la pipe (Boy with a pipe), 1905Friends with a black scarf, 1905-1906Bowls, 1906Woman with a Fan, 1907Young naked (young boy with arms raised), 1907Les Demoiselles d'Avignon, 1907Bath, 1908Three Women, 1908Composition with Skull, 1908Bottle, jar, fruit, summer 1909Vase on the table, 1914Blonde woman, December 1931Minotaur, Drinker and Women, 1933Guernica, 1937Dora Maar au chat, 1941Tomato, August 7, 1944Woman sitting in an armchair, December 12, 1960Lobster and Cat, January 11, 1965Harlequin with baton, December 12, 1969Bust of Woman, June 27, 1971Nude, Green Leaves and Bust
Van Gog
Vincent Willem van Gogh (in Dutch pronunciation: [van vɪnsɛnt xɔx] Listen; Zundert,March 30, 1853 - Auvers-sur-Oise, July 29, 1890) was a Post-Impressionist painterNetherlands, often considered one of the largest all tim.
His life was marked by failures. He failed in all aspects relevant to their world in his time.He was unable to raise families, pay for themselves or even maintain social contacts. At 37, he succumbed to mental illness, committed suicide.
His posthumous fame grew especially after an exhibition of his paintings in Paris onMarch 17, 1901.
Van Gogh is considered one of the pioneers in connection with the Impressionist trendsmodernist aspirations, and their influence recognized in various fronts of the nineteenthcentury art, such as Expressionism, Fauvism and abstraction.
The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is dedicated to his works and those of his contemporaries.
Major works
Hague Sorrow (lithography, 1882) Old Man with Head in Your Hands ("At Eternity's Gate") (lithography, 1882) ..
Nuenen The Church in Nuenen (1884) The Potato Eaters (1885) The Parish House of Nuenen (1885)
Antwerp Skull with Cigarette Lit (1886)
Paris Guinguette Montmartre (1886) The Italian (Agostina Segatori) (1887) The Bridge Monsoon (1887) Still Life with Absinthe (1887) Restaurant de la Sirene (1887) Portrait of Père Tanguy (3 frames and a drawing) (1887) Two Cut Sunflowers (1887) Self-Portrait with Straw Hat (1887)
Arles View of the Plain of Crau (1888) Self-Portrait with Pipe and Straw Hat (1888) Eugene Boch (1888) Self-portrait Dedicated to Gauguin (1888) Terrace Cafe on the Square of the Forum (1888) The Yellow House (1888) The Langlois Bridge in with Washerwomen (1888) The Arlesienne (Portrait of Madame Ginoux) (1888) Boats of Saintes-Maries (1888) The Old Mill (1888) Self Portrait Facing the Bridge (1888) Van Gogh's Chair with Pipe (1888) Gauguin's Chair (or His Empty Chair) (1888) The Vineyard Incarnate (1888) The Ballroom at Arles (1888) Starry Night Over the Rhone (1888) The Night Cafe on Place Lamartine (1888) The Postman Roulin (6 frames) (1888/1889) The School The Sunflowers (series of seven paintings) (1888/1889) The Bedroom of Van Gogh in Arles (3 tables) (1889) View of Arles with Lilies (1889) View of Arles Orchard in Bloom (1889)
Saint-Rémy Lilies (1889) Starry Night (1889) Wheatfield with Cypresses (1889) Self-Portrait (1889) Self-Portrait with Ear Cut (1889) Olives (1889) Pinheiro Before the Sanatorium of Saint-Paul (1889) La Berceuse (5 pictures of the wife of the postman Roulin, 1889/1890) The Nap (1890) The Arlesienne (Madame Ginoux four portraits from the drawing by Gauguin, 1890) The Round of Prisoners (after Doré, 1890)
Auvers-sur-Oise L'enfant à l'orange The Church of Auvers (1890) Portrait of Dr. Gachet (1890) Thatched House, Cordeville (1890) Almond Blossom (1890)


His life was marked by failures. He failed in all aspects relevant to their world in his time.He was unable to raise families, pay for themselves or even maintain social contacts. At 37, he succumbed to mental illness, committed suicide.
His posthumous fame grew especially after an exhibition of his paintings in Paris onMarch 17, 1901.
Van Gogh is considered one of the pioneers in connection with the Impressionist trendsmodernist aspirations, and their influence recognized in various fronts of the nineteenthcentury art, such as Expressionism, Fauvism and abstraction.
The Van Gogh Museum in Amsterdam is dedicated to his works and those of his contemporaries.
Major works
Hague Sorrow (lithography, 1882) Old Man with Head in Your Hands ("At Eternity's Gate") (lithography, 1882) ..
Nuenen The Church in Nuenen (1884) The Potato Eaters (1885) The Parish House of Nuenen (1885)
Antwerp Skull with Cigarette Lit (1886)
Paris Guinguette Montmartre (1886) The Italian (Agostina Segatori) (1887) The Bridge Monsoon (1887) Still Life with Absinthe (1887) Restaurant de la Sirene (1887) Portrait of Père Tanguy (3 frames and a drawing) (1887) Two Cut Sunflowers (1887) Self-Portrait with Straw Hat (1887)
Arles View of the Plain of Crau (1888) Self-Portrait with Pipe and Straw Hat (1888) Eugene Boch (1888) Self-portrait Dedicated to Gauguin (1888) Terrace Cafe on the Square of the Forum (1888) The Yellow House (1888) The Langlois Bridge in with Washerwomen (1888) The Arlesienne (Portrait of Madame Ginoux) (1888) Boats of Saintes-Maries (1888) The Old Mill (1888) Self Portrait Facing the Bridge (1888) Van Gogh's Chair with Pipe (1888) Gauguin's Chair (or His Empty Chair) (1888) The Vineyard Incarnate (1888) The Ballroom at Arles (1888) Starry Night Over the Rhone (1888) The Night Cafe on Place Lamartine (1888) The Postman Roulin (6 frames) (1888/1889) The School The Sunflowers (series of seven paintings) (1888/1889) The Bedroom of Van Gogh in Arles (3 tables) (1889) View of Arles with Lilies (1889) View of Arles Orchard in Bloom (1889)
Saint-Rémy Lilies (1889) Starry Night (1889) Wheatfield with Cypresses (1889) Self-Portrait (1889) Self-Portrait with Ear Cut (1889) Olives (1889) Pinheiro Before the Sanatorium of Saint-Paul (1889) La Berceuse (5 pictures of the wife of the postman Roulin, 1889/1890) The Nap (1890) The Arlesienne (Madame Ginoux four portraits from the drawing by Gauguin, 1890) The Round of Prisoners (after Doré, 1890)
Auvers-sur-Oise L'enfant à l'orange The Church of Auvers (1890) Portrait of Dr. Gachet (1890) Thatched House, Cordeville (1890) Almond Blossom (1890)
quarta-feira, 18 de maio de 2011
Seven Wonders of the World
The seven wonders of the world (also known as the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World) is a famous list of majestic architectural and artistic works erected during classical antiquity, whose origin is attributed to a short poem by the Greek poet Antipater of Sidon [1]. Of the seven wonders, the one that stands today practically intact is the Pyramid of Cheops, built nearly five thousand years. It is interesting that in Greece was the only statue of Zeus at Olympia, built in gold and ivory with 12 meters in height.The idea is that if it comes from the coins were minted Elis where the figure of the statue of Zeus.
The seven wonders of the ancient worldPyramid of Cheops
Hanging Gardens of Babylon
Statue of Zeus at Olympia
Temple of Artemis at Ephesus
Mausoleum of Halicarnassus
Colossus of Rhodes
Lighthouse of Alexandria
Seven Wonders of the World
When talking about the seven wonders of the modern world, it is common to relate to the famous list of seven wonders of the ancient world, which brings together the most remarkable buildings of antiquity. This list, however, is not the only country to list the greatest achievements of mankind and / or nature. Here are some of the attempts to create a 'new' list and what their results.
New seven world wonders
The New Seven Wonders of the World were chosen in informal and popular international contest sponsored by the New Open World Foundation, with the launch of the New 7 wonders, which had over a hundred million votes via cell phones and the Internet, sent from all parts of the world and announced on July 7, 2007 (07/07/07) at a ceremony in Lisbon, Portugal. [1] [2] The competition did not have the support of UNESCO, an agency of the United Nations.
Wall of China: Perseverance, persistence, located in China
Petra Engineering, Protection, located in Jordan
Christ Redeemer: Welcome, opening, located in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil
Machu Picchu: Community, dedication, located in Cuzco, Peru
Chichen Itza: Worship, knowledge, is located in Yucatan, Mexico
Colosseum: Joy, sorrow, located in Rome, Italy
Wonders of the Middle Ages:
Stonehenge Roman Colosseum Catacombs of Kom el Shoqafa Porcelain Tower of Nanjing Wall of China Tower of Pisa Hagia Sophia
Modern Marvels:
Great Wall of China Taj Mahal, India Christ Redeemer, Brazil Migration of Serengeti, Tanzania Galapagos Islands, off the coast of Ecuador Grand Canyon, USA Machu Picchu, Peru
The American Society of Civil Engineers has come to compile a list of modern wonders of the world, and was the most accepted: Eurotunnel linking France and England CN Tower, Canada Empire State Building in New York, USA Golden Gate Bridge in San Francisco (CA), USA Itaipu Hydroelectric Power Plant, Brazil and Paraguay Dykes of Tides, which connects North Holland and Friesland, the Netherlands Panama Canal in the isthmus of Panama.
Natural Wonders:
As with other lists, there is no consensus on seven natural wonders. One of the lists was compiled by CNN: Grand Canyon, USA; Great Barrier Reef, Australia; Guanabara Bay in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil; Mount Everest on the border between Nepal and China; Aurora borealis, in the polar region of the planet; Paricutin volcano, Mexico; Victoria Falls (Victoria Falls), between Zambia and Zimbabwe.
A group organized the competition of the Seven Wonders of the World (7 Wonders of the Modern World) since 2007 and held a contest to choose the "Seven wonders of nature." The vote was made by site "New 7 Wonders of Nature." It was closed in 2009.
Underwater Wonderland:
This list of underwater wonders is of unknown origin, but has been repeated so often that it has acquired a degree of notability: [6] [7] Palau Barrier Reef of Belize Great Barrier Reef Underwater Eruption Galapagos Islands Lake Baikal Red Sea Corals
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